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At the end of Q2, we had done something remarkable, changed the landscape of our technology platform and how our users interact with technology, every single user in the business we supported had access to enterprise level Chat GPT, with an exciting avalanche of plugins, models and possibilities ready to change everything. The champagne was ready, we had democratized technology, introduced the next level of innovation and interaction to a business hungry for improvement. Rescuing our CSAT and reputations and plotting a course to harmony and advancement along the way.

Then, I noticed something interesting, something I did not expect. No one was using it, well 72% of users had not accessed it. I am proud of my understanding of my business partners, I have conducted deep and continuous research into how they use technology building segments and persona’s that would navigate complex product changes into safe harbors, so why was this transformation not sticking?

I will over a few blogs explain what I found and how I changed it, knowing how to make the transformation is more than delivery. You must change your understanding of your users and address the fears and omnipresence of Artificial intelligence.

Part One Your Segments and Personas are wrong

Not for a traditional product but for AI they are wrong, well they at the very least need augmented, think of adding an AI readiness to your product research. Demographics, backgrounds and purpose told me less about the AI users and I rebuilt my knowledge from a new perspective. Understand how your users fit into these groups and work on distinct strategies on how to work with them.

  • People that use AI already. I have co-pilot, Claude and chat gpt on my phone, I use them but not that much; however many people and not necessarily ones you associate with technology literacy use the apps daily, its an augmentation of their understanding of work, leisure, fitness and communication, so why use the company version? Their reaction is ‘that’s nice’ as they return to their phone. Harnessing the power of these augmenters is vital, experienced users who can build the ‘hype’ can show you the roadmap, if you listen to them. They are your leaders and work out what you need to bring them in house. For me it was RAG, the addition of domain knowledge. Embrace these users and take your time to uncover them, they will not be the heavy users or the ones that ask lots of questions, but you find them opinionated on the future and strategy, they have a voice and experience that you can learn from
  • The Management. I am always reluctant to create an executive segment or persona, it can become overblown, with too much influence and often derail a product but for AI it introduces a new dynamic, they are the primary benefactors of an AI powered workforce but are reluctant to use the apps themselves and will not attend training sessions. This one is the hard work, it will involve small, focused sessions, careful working of the scenarios to make them engage, flipping to show how they manage upwards is the key strategy, I worked with a senior director to show him how to make his teams work polished and professional in seconds. This is an investment of time and patience but the advocacy they bring is invaluable.
  • The not interested. I have so much sympathy for this group, they work hard, they are very skilled and have limited capacity to engage. What they do fits in a day, and they are doing just fine, why do they need AI, this is true of their personal usage as well, they do not have apps and switch off co-pilot like they did that paperclip when they first got windows, everything works, they have google and a good job. Accept that you will only get to these users over time and application integration, the power of AI is not going to click with everyone and that is ok, let me underline that – it’s OK not to be interested and its also ok for you to have some user that are not ready, every change has it. Know them and take your time with engagement.
  • The Curious. As technologists we know how to put people off a topic quickly, I have rarely seen us manage it so completely as with AI (well maybe blockchain) The people that want to know more are your culture carriers, engage and simplify; leave the industry terms at the door and talk about real examples and enhancements, bin the hyperbole and focus on the productive and you have the key to success.


Rethinking the user in this way, helped to rethink the perspective of how to drive engagement but its just part of the picture. A lack Flexibility, acknowledging the fear of AI and over saturation will hold back adoption and I will look at them in the future, as well as how to manage the data risk.

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